Highgate Senior Living at Temecula Blog

Living a Life of Purpose: Holistic Healthy Living at Highgate Assisted Living Temecula

Written by Highgate Senior Living | Jul 14, 2017 9:11:14 PM

As we age, it can get harder to get out of bed every day feeling a sense of purpose. We experience more loss than we did when we were younger. We may lose friends, family members or a spouse. We may lose what society views as the ultimate freedom: our driver’s license. We may feel that others – like our children – don’t need us like they once did.

Social, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being allow us to live life feeling purposeful and fulfilled. Holistic health focuses on the whole person. When we are happier, we tend to be healthier. Here’s a closer look at how life in Highgate’s Assisted Living located in Temecula helps its residents live a life of purpose.

Social Well-Being

Many seniors become isolated unintentionally. Your once-active mom may have become isolated because it’s no longer safe for her to drive. Your dad may avoid being out in public if a recent illness has made walking difficult. But, the dangers of being isolated include depression, anxiety, and a decline in health due to decreased physical activity.

When we’re connected to others, we're happier and our brains are healthier. A study quoted on aarp.org published by the American Journal of Public Health shared "those with larger social networks were 26 percent less likely to develop dementia than those with smaller social networks. And women who had daily contact with friends and family cut their risk of dementia by almost half."

At Highgate, there are many options for activities and outings. It's up to residents how much to take part. Introverts can lean towards small-group activities or time on their own, and extroverts can pack their days with outings and activities.

Activities at Highgate at Temecula can include book discussions, card groups, walking clubs, outings to local attractions such as vineyards and parks, and conversations over made-to-order meals.

Emotional Wellbeing

Whether we’re depressed or anxious or happy and content, our mood affects all other aspects of our health.

To get up and get going every day, we need to know that what we do matters. It's easy for seniors to lose their sense of purpose as they age. What if you woke up tomorrow and you didn't have to be anywhere? Didn't need to do anything? No one needed you for anything? It could be easy to think, "Does it even matter if I get out of bed today?"

Living in an assisted living community can encourage a consistent routine. With activities and socializing during the day, restless, sleepless nights can decrease.

What you eat can also affect your emotions. (Learn more here). At Highgate, we tailor our dining program to meet residents’ needs and preferences. We provide meals that they love – that are also healthy – by using a variety of cooking techniques and styles. We also encourage community and conversation over meals and occasions such as weekly afternoon tea, served London style. Our open-concept dining program means no assigned seats and no assigned dining times.  

Physical Well-Being

There are huge benefits to exercise for seniors. When you’re on your own, however, getting and staying motivated to exercise can be tough.

In addition to the physical benefits, exercise also can decrease stress, improve appetite and promote social connections.

At Highgate, our goal is for each resident to have at least 15 minutes, over the course of the day, of weight-bearing exercise. The activities are based on residents’ interests but may include standing or chair yoga, tai chi, bands and weights, conductorcise and walking.

Spiritual Well-Being

In a nutshell, spiritual well-being is the process of discovering who and what’s important in life. It’s made up of your purpose, what gives you meaning and your connection to others.

When residents move to Highgate at Temecula, our Life Enhancement Coordinator will take the time to get to know them, their likes and dislikes and what gives them a sense of purpose. Whether it’s meditation, worship, volunteering, nature, exercise, art, community or something else, we help connect residents to what gives them purpose, meaning and connection.

Living a life of purpose and meaning is possible at any age, but meeting social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs can become more difficult as we age. Highgate Assisted Living in Temecula offers a variety of experiences that encourage a holistic healthy living lifestyle.