Slideshow: 8 Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress or Burnout

adult child caregiver showing warning signs of caregiver stress and burnoutCaregiving is not for the faint of heart. It’s hard work, physically and emotionally. Often times all of the responsibility falls on one person. You probably know all of the health details about your loved one, but what about your own health? It’s easy to forget about your needs and health when caregiving for your loved one. But, are you on your way to caregiver burnout? With the little time you do have for yourself and the added stress that come with caregiving – it’s important to look out for yourself.

Here are eight warning signs to watch for that may indicate you are experiencing caregiver burnout.

Watch the Video: Caregiver Stress-Choices for Coping and Health

Any one of these issues alone can be signs of caregiver stress or burnout. If you’re experiencing one or more of them, reach out for help. There are a variety of local or online support groups you can join to help provide you with support. Remember, you can provide your parent with better care if you are happy and healthy. And that’s the way they’d want it.

How to Cope with Caregiver Guilt