Video: Holistic Approach to Dementia Care

Having your loved one receive a diagnosis of dementia can bring on a list of multiple medications for them to take – and this can be overwhelming. But, is medication the only answer to help treat their dementia? Maybe not. Incorporating a holistic approach for your loved one with dementia helps their overall health and well-being. Holistic health care is an approach to health management that focuses on the whole person – body, mind, spirt and emotions.

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Here are some holistic approaches to address common symptoms with dementia that may lessen the amount of medication needed:

  • Aromatherapy. Using oils to relieve stress or encourage relaxation.
  • Changing their environment. Moving to a quieter setting or calmer environment.

Medication aren’t always needed to help fix a behavior or anxiety in your loved one with dementia. When you know more about about your loved one’s dementia diagnosis, you can incorporate more holistic approaches to their care and lessen the need for medication.

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