Thanksgiving Traditions: Meet the Staff of Highgate Senior Living in Temecula

Senior with grandchildren celebrating holiday traditions at highgate at temecula with staff

The holiday season is a time to make new memories, and enjoy traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation. 

Maybe, you’re wondering what the people who care for residents living in Highgate at Temecula are like outside of work.  Or, perhaps you are look for new family traditions to share with your loved ones.  With Thanksgiving just passed, and Christmas and Hanukkah on the way, the staff at Highgate Senior Living in Temecula shared some favorite traditions of their holiday time with family.

Holiday Traditions

It seems that not only does everyone have a favorite tradition, but even a favorite time in the holiday.

Executive Director, Kathleen Williams, keeps it simple. For her, the best part of the holidays comes before the big meals, although everyone else enjoys her handiwork afterward. “My favorite tradition is making my coconut cream pie for my family,” she says. “I just love baking for my family and friends.”

Like Williams, Maria Mendez, the Life Enhancement Coordinator, enjoys the early part of Thanksgiving best. In the morning, she says, her family and friends enjoy what they call their annual “Turkey Bowl.” It’s a gathering of more than 50 people, who go bowling for several hours. “It’s an opportunity to appreciate our friends,” but, she jokes, “But most importantly, it helps us get some cardio in and makes us feel less guilty when we stuff our mouths with all the delicious food later in the day!”

Games and Activities

Games and activities are popular with many of the team members of Highgate at Temecula. “My favorite tradition with my family is board games after our big dinner,” says Justin Mabunay, the Dining Services Coordinator. We usually play Settlers of Catan, Dutch Blitz, Pictionary, Charades, or Cards Against Humanity if we are feeling silly. Sometimes we will break out the Mah Jong set, which is the Asian dominoes game. 

Move-in Coordinator, Jacob Sherman’s favorite part comes even later: the next day! Who doesn’t love leftovers, right? “My favorite family tradition is actually the day after thanksgiving. We make turkey/stuffing/cranberry/etc. sandwiches from the leftovers on toasted croissant bread for “breakfast.” And like Mabunay, his family get-togethers always include a spirited game of Settlers of Catan.

“Now I have to look into this Settlers of Catan you guys are talking about,” Mendez tells her coworkers. “We are big on board games in our house too, particularly ones involving strategy.”

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