Highgate Blog

August 14, 2020    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources

How Dementia Affects the 5 Senses — and What You Can Do to Help

If you’re caring for a loved one with dementia, you’re probably expecting them to gradually lose their memory. However, did you know that people with dementia also....

August 7, 2020    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources

Why Physical Activity Becomes Increasingly Difficult With Memory Loss

Are you worried about your mom who spends the majority of her days in her favorite chair? Does your dad have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning and now has....

December 23, 2019    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources

Do Little White Lies Affect the Caregiving Relationship with a Parent?

When your mom is convinced your husband is hers or your dad believes your son’s 25th birthday party is really for him, it can feel cruel to remind them that no, your....

November 22, 2019    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources

When Should You Consider Memory Care for a Parent?

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November 15, 2019    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Memory Loss Resources

What to Say When a Loved One with Memory Loss Doesn’t Recognize You

You never forget the first time a parent doesn’t recognize you. The loss is heartbreaking. And it doesn’t get easier each time she can’t remember your name or is....

February 22, 2019    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources

3 Ways Loneliness Might Increase Risk of Dementia

Loneliness is a growing epidemic. Approximately 42.6 million adults over age 45 in the United States are estimated to be suffering from chronic loneliness, according to ....

October 26, 2018    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Memory Loss Resources

10 Challenges Family Caregivers Face When Caring for a Loved One with Dementia at Home

Family caregivers of loved ones with dementia face a difficult situation. Often, symptoms in their loved ones mount slowly, and the role of caregiver sneaks up on them....

October 12, 2018    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Memory Loss Resources

7 Activities to Help Your Loved One with Dementia Stay Active and Engaged

Think about your life: When do you feel your best? When are your self-esteem and self-worth at their highest?

According to researchers, living your life with a sense of....

July 6, 2018    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Memory Loss Resources

Driving and Dementia

It’s one of the most challenging questions for family caregivers to answer: When is it time to take away the car keys from a loved one with dementia?