Highgate Blog

December 27, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources

5 Tips for Talking to a Parent About Assisted Living for the First Time

Telling a parent you think it might be time to consider assisted living can be one of the scariest parts of the whole process. Regardless of how much time you’ve spent....

December 22, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: About Highgate Senior Living

5 Holiday Recipes Your Family Will Love

Have you ever walked into a kitchen and the aroma of something cooking on the stove or baking in the oven sparked a vivid memory? Then it’s easy to understand why....

November 30, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Caregiver & Family Resources

What To Do If You Have Prediabetes

Developing diabetes later in life can significantly change your lifestyle. Diabetes affects how you eat, what you eat, and how you stay fit. If you’ve heard the dreaded....

November 4, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Caregiver & Family Resources

Visiting an Assisted Living Community for the First Time

There are approximately 28,900 assisted living communities in the US, and more than 810,000 people reside in assisted living communities. Unless you work in long-term....

October 13, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Caregiver & Family Resources

How Long Will It Take to Find the Right Assisted Living Community for a Parent?

You may have noticed your mom isn’t attending her bible study or card club as frequently anymore, showing signs she is more socially withdrawn than the last time you saw....

September 27, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Healthy Aging

A Holistic Health Focus for Senior Living Providers on the Rise

Care has always played an important role in senior living. However, recent trends in holistic health care have senior living communities reconsidering their “care-first”....

September 15, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Healthy Aging

You’re Never Too Old to Feel Young

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 85% of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and 60% have at least two....

August 19, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Healthy Aging

How Stress Affects Health & Wellness

Stress is an inevitable part of life. According to research by the American Institute of Stress, stress causes 57% of US respondents to feel immobilized and 63% of US....

August 12, 2022    Highgate Senior Living

Topic: Healthy Aging

The Rise of Mind-body Medicine & Holistic Therapy

Holistic approaches to care in treating illness and disease have been used around the world for hundreds of years. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine is one of the....