Topic: About Highgate Senior Living
Highgate Residents Look Back on 2021 and Share Their Resolutions for 2022
Although this past year brought many challenges and changes, there’s also much to celebrate.
Topic: About Highgate Senior Living
Although this past year brought many challenges and changes, there’s also much to celebrate.
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, About Highgate Senior Living
If you’ve never lived in a senior living community, it might be hard to picture what life is like there. You may be wondering, “Don’t residents just play a lot of cards....
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Healthy Aging
Does your mom tell you that she can’t do what her physical therapist asks her to try? Or perhaps your dad feels too tired to go on a walk with the grandkids. Do you hear....
Topic: Memory Loss Resources
If there’s one thing Louisa Torres, memory care coordinator of the Cottage at Highgate at Temecula, has learned about caring for people with memory loss, including her....
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources
Taking away the car keys, parenting your parents, role reversal — you might hear these phrases a lot when people talk to or about older adults, but elderspeak and....
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources, Memory Loss Resources
A dementia diagnosis can feel like the beginning of the end. If there’s one thing Courtney Reifel has learned in her four years working in a memory care community, it’s....
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources
As your parents age, they will want both independence and support if they need it. But for many older adults, it’s hard to admit that they need help, especially if they....
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources
Worried your loved one is no longer safe behind the wheel? The last thing you should do is threaten to “take away the keys.”
Topic: Caregiver & Family Resources
More older adults are cohabitating with their adult children, but before you move in with an aging loved one, it’s important to consider both the advantages and....
320 East Sunset Way
Suite 202
Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 369-4626
RCFE License: 331800160
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