When mom and dad start struggling to care for themselves, you’ll be faced with an onslaught of decisions, beyond senior assisted living options. It can be difficult to....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Memory Care Resources
When mom and dad start struggling to care for themselves, you’ll be faced with an onslaught of decisions, beyond senior assisted living options. It can be difficult to....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources
Maybe your loved one is experiencing a decline in health. Sometimes, they just want to avail themselves of the luxuries of senior living like cleaning, laundry and....
Topic: Financial Resources, Assisted Living Resources
While cost is far from the only factor in the decision to move your loved one to a senior living community, it’s certainly an important one. So many caregivers are....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Caregiver & Family Resources
You think it’s time for dad to move into an assisted living facility. His health and mobility are declining, and you think a senior living community is better suited to....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Senior Living Resources
Everyone knows pets can improve the quality of our lives. We forge lasting relationships with these sweet, loyal creatures, and just thinking of them can put smiles on....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, About Highgate Senior Living
Couples can consider assisted living facilities for many different reasons. Perhaps your dad has a dementia diagnosis and your mom is looking for a little additional....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources
Imagine a world where learning of a friend or sibling’s passing has become expected news, rather than an unexpected shock. Or a world where driving now seems like an....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, Senior Living Resources
Although most associate dementia with memory loss, other symptoms you might not be aware of include personality changes, anxiety, depression, paranoia, agitation and....
Topic: Assisted Living Resources, About Highgate Senior Living
You can smell it when you walk into a Highgate kitchen. You can see it, too. All the sights, sounds, and smells of a working, restaurant kitchen. Food made from scratch....
320 East Sunset Way
Suite 202
Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 369-4626
RCFE License: 331800160
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